Newsletter #1 The last changes were: - correction of the second circuit for Suunto computers - installation of this newsletter - I took the link to the EOS600 plan into the main frontpage - some additions of comments of readers. - I moved most of the images and not HTML Files into subdirectories (now allowed by my provider). - There may be a problem with some pictures. I saw it at the plans of Alex Deas (only in the english version). My adds remover WEBWASHER doesn't show the pictures of this page. - I finally after more than a year went through all the links and now have a nearly actual linklist. I also changed my Link file generator a bit, so that the file is shorter and the date of my last visit can be seen. The links at the rebreather page still have to be changed. - The circuits of the electronics page are now available as PDF File, too. - new mirror of my page at - new URL: or Future changes: - I made a new electronic with a PIC 16C84. It isn't on the homepage yet, because I'm not confident with it right now. The functionality is OK, but I need too much parts outside the uC and the goal is to use as less as possible. The circuit and software is similar to that of Rudy Norder. My problems were: only one switch and I wanted dimming and SOS 6V System !!! - There is also a light not yet found on the homepage because I would have to open it to get enough pictures :-) It is nothing new, just a variation of the lights already published. Interesting things outside: - Connection Palm Pilot to Aladin ( - Change of Suunto battery ( RK (2000-3-16)